吴璇 讲师 硕士生导师。
新加坡资讯管理局学术研究项目基金Excessive Smartphone Use: Effects of Parental Mediation, Impact on Parent-adolescent Relationship and Academic Performance among Singaporean Adolescents
1. Bystanders of Politics? Examining the Political Portrait of Chinese Videogame Players, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 65:5, 786-805.
2. From information exposure to protective behaviors: Investigating the underlying mechanism in COVID-19 outbreak using social amplification theory and extended parallel process model. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1351.
3. 大数据:作为一种方法论的追溯与质疑[J].国际新闻界,2020,42(11):136-153.
4. Motivations and consumption practices of fostered idol fans: a self-determination theory approach. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 38(1), 91-100.
5. The Role of Daily Communications in Civic Engagement. In CeDEM Asia 2018: Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government; Japan 2018 (p. 63).
6. Examining the mediating roles of microblog use in the relationships between narcissism, social anxiety, and social capital. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL), 4(2), 58-75.
7. Microblogging, online expression, and political efficacy among young Chinese citizens: the moderating role of information and entertainment needs in the use of Weibo. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(7), 345-349.