How To Clean A Laptop Fan

Many laptops rely on fans to keep them cool, but they can be clogged with dust and dirt. Here’s how to make one to use with clean a laptop fan.

Many laptops use fans to cool things that could otherwise be too hot. Usually, a laptop will have one or two fans cooling the main processor and chip.

Many designs use a heat pipe system to draw heat away from these components, with a single heatsink cooling fan attached to the heat pipes.

The heatsink will have more heat dissipation wings, and dust can also form between these ends, reducing the cooling efficiency.

With everything tightly packed to make the laptop as small as possible, there is minimal airflow. And that means that even a little dirt and dust can disrupt the cooling system.

If your computer fan is running louder or more frequently or won’t shut down at all, the first place you can look is in the Windows Task Task (Ctrl-Shift-Esc).

On the Processes tab, you will see how much your mobile computer spending is, but you may need to click on ‘More Details‘ to see these statistics.

Look for any app using a high percentage of CPU time, as this is often the main case when the fan is operating at high speed.

If there is nothing unusual, you can try cleaning the fan and heatsinks. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task on most modern laptops that are not designed to be opened by users, and fans can be found internally.

Some laptops with removable panels’ used underneath require only a screwdriver to remove, but getting to the die is the best way to clean it properly.

How to clean a Laptop fan using compressed air

If you are unsure about using a screwdriver to disassemble your laptop, grab a compressed air can or try a duster air lens duster camera if you are worried about using compressed air.

Vacuum cleaners are not recommended: they are very effective in removing dust from laptops and can also cause the formation of dry electricity that you do not want on a portable computer.

Make sure the laptop is turned off before starting, and remove the battery if possible. Insert an air pipe into the holes (or as close as possible) and begin to remove the dust.

Try and set the fan blades turned using a long plastic object – you will have a hard time removing the dirt from the spinning fan.

Clean the laptop fan without compressed air

As always, start by making sure your laptop is turned off and not out of its power supply. You will need three items:

Soft, non-abrasive fabric: a fabric that will not scratch or damage sensitive areas.

Screws: keep in mind that the size of the screws on your laptop may be smaller than you think.

Static-free mat: this protects your computer’s electrical circuits from potential electrical charges. It’s great to have it — but not 100% important.

Got these things in hand? That’s fine. Follow the steps below to remove dust from your laptop fan and cooling police.


If you have a product warranty on your laptop computer, be aware that removing an external case may invalidate this warranty, so you should consider this.

It is also a good idea to refer to the service manual of your laptop that should be lasting to get some information about its features before proceeding. I also do not recommend using a vacuum cleaner as it may cause damage to your mobile hardware and electrical circuits.

Step 1

Find a workbench or a suitable location and turn the laptop upside down. To access the cooling system, you must remove the protective case that covers it.

This can be secured with small screws, so find the right screwdriver for these and start by unscrewing them. Notice where each screw is.

Step 2

Remove the protection cable to expose the fan and other computer equipment below. Find a fan, hold it tightly, and use a blank cloth to remove dust carefully.

You can do the same with other areas where air enters and leaves the computer, such as vents. After doing this, you should see an improvement in airflow and complete cooling inside your laptop.

Please do not be tempted to remove or repair any other internal components of your computer for the sake of deep purity unless you are 100% comfortable with what you are doing. Be very careful when reconnecting your machine.

How to clean a fan by opening your laptop

For those who are happy to carry a screwdriver, turn off your laptop, disassemble it, and remove the battery, if possible.

Remove the plastic or metal panel from the base and hopefully expose the follower. Your success here is largely dependent on the model of your laptop. If you do not see the fan at all, you will have to go one step further to remove some parts.

Many YouTube videos are showing how to classify laptops: just search for your design and model.

If you have access to the die, use a small brush to remove any dirt and dust. If you are using compressed air, do not go too close to the microphone, and be sure to stop the moving blades.

You would do well to turn on the faucet and remove the fan at this time and check for any other contaminants under it that may block the heatsink or air vents.

After removing the flu and dust, change the parts the way you removed them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to clean a laptop cover?

Cleaning dust on your laptop fan stops heat. There are three main reasons why overheating can cause bad news for you and your machine: reduced performance, less battery power, and, worse, could cost you money due to hardware damage or being forced to buy a replacement computer.

How often should you clean the fan?

You do not need an expert. The hot adhesive should be good for the health of the machine. If you have heat problems you can replace them, but they are usually not necessary.

The only thing you have to do is clear the dust from your heatsinks and remove them every 3-6 months, depending on your conditions.

How can I clean my portable fan without opening it?

How Do I Clean My Laptop? A great way to clean a laptop without splitting it using compressed air.

Cheap, easy to access, and offers safe and easy ways to clean a laptop of dust and debris without separating it. Can I clean the fan with a brush?

How can I determine whether the fan on my laptop is dirty?

If you have access to the die, use a small brush to remove any dirt and dust. If you are using compressed air, do not go too close to the microphone, and be sure to stop the moving blades.

Can I clean my laptop with something like a hairdryer?

If you see visible dirt on the surface of your computer, that is a good sign when there may be dirt or dust inside.

You can clean it at home or do it professionally. Your computer feels hot. If your laptop or computer feels hot when you touch it, it may be dusty.

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