How To Make Your Laptop FASTER? (Speed Up Your Laptop!)

Slow laptops are frustrating. We’ve all been there, watching that little wheel go round and round while we wait for a web page to load or a file to export. It feels like time has stopped.

There are many ways to speed up a laptop. Some are quick and easy, while others require a little more work. But no matter how much time you have, there are ways to speed up your laptop and keep it running more smoothly.

5 tips to speed up your laptop

1 Close unused programs and tabs

One of the fastest and easiest ways to speed up your laptop is to close all programs and tabs that you are not using. Too many open programs and tabs can strain your laptop’s processor and memory, making everything run slower.

To close programs and tabs, simply click the X in the upper right corner of the window. If you’re not sure which programs and tabs are open, look at the main bar at the bottom of the screen. All running programs will be listed here.

2 Restart your laptop

If you have been using your laptop for a while without restarting it, it may start to run slower. This is because over time programs can start to conflict with each other and slow down your laptop.

Restarting your laptop gives you a fresh start and can help remove any programs that might be causing problems. To restart the laptop, click the Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen, then click the power icon. From there you can click Restart.

3 Run an antivirus scan

If your laptop is running slowly and you suspect a virus or other malware is present, it’s a good idea to run an antivirus scan. There are several different ways to do this, but we recommend using Windows Defender, which is included with Windows 10.

To run an antivirus scan with Windows Defender, click the Start button and type “defender.” Windows Defender should appear in the search results. To launch the software, click on it.

Once Defender is open, click the “Scan Now” button to start the scan. The defender scans your laptop for malware and removes it if necessary.

4 Check for updates

If your laptop is running slowly, it may be because you are running an outdated version of Windows or another program. That’s why it’s important to check for updates regularly.

To check for updates in Windows 10, click the Start button, and then click the Settings icon. Click Update & Security in the Settings window.

Under Update and Security, click the Windows Update tab. From there, you can click the “Check for Updates” button to see if there are any updates available for your laptop. If they exist, go ahead and install them.

5 Add more RAM

One of the best ways to speed up a laptop is to add more RAM. RAM is the memory your laptop uses to store information about the programs you use. The more RAM you have, the more information your laptop can store and the faster it will access.

Adding more RAM is a relatively easy process, but requires opening up the laptop. If you don’t like it, we recommend taking it to a computer repair shop.

If you’re comfortable opening up your laptop, you can find instructions online for adding RAM. Simply Google “increase RAM to [your laptop model]”.

Frequently asked questions about how to speed up your laptop

How much RAM do I need?

The amount of RAM you need will depend on what you use your laptop for. If you’re only using it for basic tasks like browsing the web and checking email, you’ll be fine with 4GB of RAM.

However, if you’re using the laptop for more demanding tasks like gaming or video editing, you’ll need 8GB or more of RAM.

Can I add more RAM to my laptop if it is not upgradeable?

If your laptop does not have an empty RAM slot, you may be able to replace the existing RAM with a higher-capacity module. However, this will void your warranty, so we only recommend this if you’re comfortable opening the laptop and are sure you can do it without damaging anything.

Will adding more RAM speed up my laptop?

Yes, adding more RAM will make your laptop faster. The more RAM you have, the more information your laptop can store and the faster it will access.

What else can I do to make my laptop faster?

There are a few other things you can do to make your laptop run faster. For example, you can close unused programs and tabs, periodically restart the laptop and run an anti-virus scan.

How to make your laptop faster for gaming

We all love our laptops because they are portable and easy to carry around. But when it comes to gaming, we all know that laptops are not the best choice. They tend to lag and have poor graphics. So how can we speed up our gaming laptops?

5 tips to speed up your gaming laptop:

1 Update your drivers

The first thing you need to do is make sure your drivers are updated. Outdated drivers can cause your computer to lag. So go to the manufacturer’s website and download the latest drivers for your graphics card and other hardware.

2 Use Game Booster

There are many game boosters available online for free. These boosters help improve your gaming performance by closing unnecessary programs and services running in the background.

3 Turn off the visuals

Most games have visuals that can be turned off to improve performance. So if you’re experiencing lag, try turning off the visuals. This includes things like shadows, reflections, and other graphical effects.

4 Lower the resolution

Another way to improve performance is to lower the resolution of your game. This will make the game look worse but run smoother.

5 Overclocking the CPU

If you want to get the most out of your gaming laptop, you can try overclocking the processor. It is a risky process and should only be done if you know what you are doing.

These are just a few tips to help speed up your gaming. If you have any more suggestions, please leave them in the comments section below!

Frequently asked questions about how to speed up your gaming laptop

What is the best way to speed up my gaming laptop?

The best way to speed up gaming on a laptop is to update the drivers, use a game booster, turn off the display, lower the resolution and overclock the processor.

Will updating my drivers improve my gaming performance?

Yes, updating your drivers can improve your gaming performance. Outdated drivers can cause your computer to lag. So go to the manufacturer’s website and download the latest drivers for your graphics card and other hardware.

What is overclocking?

Overclocking is the process of making your processor run faster than its default speed. It is a risky process and should only be done if you know what you are doing.

What are other ways to improve my game performance?

There are many game boosters available online for free. These boosters help improve your gaming performance by closing unnecessary programs and services running in the background. Another way to improve performance is to lower the resolution of your game. This will make the game look worse but run smoother.

What are some common causes of game lag?

There are many causes of gaming lag, but the most common ones include outdated drivers, too many programs running in the background, and a poor internet connection.

How to speed up your laptop using CMD

The command line is a text interface that allows you to run commands. It is compatible with all versions of Windows.

To open the command prompt, type “cmd” in the search box on the taskbar and click the “Command Prompt” result. Alternatively, you can also press Windows + R to open the “Run” dialog box and type “cmd” into it.

Once the command prompt opens, you can start typing commands. You can press Enter to execute the command.

5 Ways to Use the Command Prompt to Make Your Laptop Faster

Now that you know how to open the command prompt, let’s take a look at 5 ways to speed up your laptop using the command prompt.

1 Uninstall programs

If you have programs that you no longer use, you can uninstall them to free up space on your hard drive. To do this, you can use the “wait” command.

To uninstall a program, you need to know its “ProductCode”. You can use the “reg query” command to find the ProductCode of the program.

For example, if you want to uninstall a program with ProductCode “ABCDEF-1234-5678-9012”, you can use the following command:

wmic product where “ProductCode=’ABCDEF-1234-5678-9012′” calls uninstall

2 Delete temporary files

Another way to free up hard drive space is to delete temporary files. These are files that are created by programs and are no longer needed.

You can use the “del” command to delete temporary files.

For example, to delete all files in the “Temp” folder, you can use the following command:

del %temp%. /s /q

3 Disable startup programs

Some programs are set to start automatically when the computer starts. These apps might cause your computer to slow down.

To disable startup programs, you can use the “taskkill” command.

For example, to disable a program with ProductCode “ABCDEF-1234-5678-9012”, you can use the following command:

taskkill /im “ABCDEF-1234-5678-9012.exe” /f

4 Clear the DNS cache

The Domain Name System (DNS) cache is a database of IP addresses and hostnames. It is used by your computer to resolve DNS names.

Over time, the DNS cache may become obsolete. This can cause your computer to take longer to resolve DNS names.

To flush the DNS cache, use the “config /flushdns” command.

5 Defrag your hard drive

Over time, files on your hard drive can become fragmented. This means that they are spread over different areas of the hard disk.

When this happens, your computer has to work harder to access these files. This can slow down your computer.

You can use the “defrag” command to defragment your hard drive.

For example, to defragment the “C:” drive, you can use the following command:

defrag C: /v.


Here are some frequently asked questions about using Command Prompt to speed up your laptop:

Will using the command line delete my files?

No. Using the command line will not delete your files.

Do I have to be a computer expert to use the command line?

No. You don’t need to be a computer expert to use the command line. However, it is recommended to create a backup of your files before using the command line.

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